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Below are some typically used Russian phrases with phonetic transcriptions and audio. There are two other sections on useful everyday phrases and calling Russia. To stay up-to-date with Russian language news and for fun posts please follow us on Instagram.

Contact us if you need help with Russian translation, Russian interpreting face-to-face or remotely.

Hello! (formal) / Здравствуйте [Zd`rastvuyte] (formal)

Hi (informal) / Привет [Pri`viet ]

How are you? / Как дела? [Kak de`la]

I am fine. / У меня всё хорошо. [U me`nya vsyo hara`sho]  

What is your name? / Как Вас зовут? [`Kak `Vas za`vut] 

My name is Mary Brown. / Меня зовут Мэри Браун. [Me`nya za`vout Mary Brown]

I’m the export manager. / Я менеджер по экспорту. [Ya `menedzher pa `ekspartu]

Here is my card / Вот моя визитка. [Vot ma`ya vi`zitka]

What is the name of your company? / Как называется Ваша компания? [`Kak nazy`vaetsya `Vasha kam`pania]

I don't speak Russian, but we will be able to speak through an interpreter. / Я не говорю по-русски, но мы сможем общаться через переводчика. [Ya ne gava`ryu pa-`ruski, no mi `smozhem ab`shchatsya `cherez pere`vodchika]

Thank you very much for the information. / Большое спасибо за информацию. [Bal`shoe spa`siba za infar`matsiu] 

I’m grateful for your help. / Я благодарен Вам за помощь. [Ya blaga`daren Vam za `pomashch]

Good-bye (formal) / До свидания [Da svi`daniya] 

Bye (informal) / Пока [Pa`ka]

See you tomorrow. / До завтра. [Da `zavtra]

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