When I was travelling to the ITI 30th anniversary celebration lunch, I had a feeling it was going to be a well-attended event, the Institute has a superb reputation in the language industry and 30 years is another substantial milestone in its development.
The lunch turned out to be a success indeed. It brought together more than a hundred people who had probably known each other’s names before and perhaps seen faces from various snapshots on social media. Yet, there is nothing like a face-to-face chat and there was certainly plenty of that. The conversations flowed, the catering was fantastic, the venue was airy and spacious, yet very friendly and inviting.
Immense credit goes to the organisers who made it all happen: this was a fantastic opportunity to share experience, discuss professional plans and ideas, analyse things which work and which need improving, and I have no doubt, ways were paved for new business relationships.
I was particularly interested to learn that the ITI is planning to refresh its website and improve the member directory, that more is intended to encourage CPD with an annual programme, and that one of the major goals the Institute is now pursuing is achieving a Chartered status. That is certainly worth toasting to and it would give a superb reason for yet another celebratory event when it happens.

ITI 30th celebration lunch at The Anthologist, London. June 2016
[Tip: The ITI runs a directory of members; for a competitive Russian translation quote, why not contact us at enquiry@talkrussian.com or call 0207 043 6940]